The right attitude is reflected in our motto: Safety, Quality, Production – in that Order!
Quality and Production are assured by our superior planning, processes and workmanship backed by a one year warranty. But we believe that the Right Attitude is to achieve these while placing safety first. Our commitment to safety comes from our executive staff, who have entrenched a safety mindset in each employee, from the Technical Directors, to Foremen, Project Coordinators and Turbine Mechanics.
No other company has gone to the lengths we have to secure our commitment to safety. We conduct formal safety training for all aspects of the job. We conduct random, no-notice drug tests at various outages throughout the year. We construct a specific Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for each major activity and incorporate it into the Work Breakdown. This forms the basis for the Toolbox Safety Meetings held before each shift, where we go over not only what is expected to be accomplished, but how to do it safely and correctly.
TGM® employs an OSHA-trained Safety Director with 30+ years in the industrial and maintenance industry. To monitor the effectiveness of TGM®’s safety program, our Safety Director regularly makes “no notice” visits to our work sites and performs a Safety Audit. This is a proactive approach to injury prevention that focuses on at-risk behaviors that tend to lead to injuries. We audit outage sites to ensure established policies and procedures are understood and followed, and we enforce compliance with training and goal-setting.
This level of commitment to safety prohibits us from cutting corners to achieve schedule reduction. But we are still committed to the other two aspects of our motto, Quality and Production. Having a core group of experienced, well-trained mechanics means that we can achieve tight schedules without sacrificing quality or safety. Our well-organized and comprehensive tool sets mean that we can get the job done without losing time searching for the right tool, or using the wrong tool because the right one cannot be found. Time is also saved by giving all mechanics the responsibility for accessing tools, without checking with a tool attendant.
Our commitment to the slogan “Safety, Quality, Production – In that Order!” comes with an added bonus. This commitment assures the customer that the schedule as planned is the schedule as achieved. There will be no lost time to accident or injury, and the job will be done right the first time.